Interactive Brokers
If you wish to open an Interactive Brokers Account, to learn how to use the platform, change your representative, we offer to you professional services in English language
We are highly competent in Asset Management and have the expertise for the creation of personalised investments. We carry out investments generated by a long time experience in financial business.
BlueInvest Capital offers a Licence Roof to those who wish to provide financial services without incurring in high costs and high administrative efforts in obtaining an own licence.
BlueInvest Capital, strong of its decades of history in financial services, specialised in Interactive Brokers assistance and in financial intermediation, offers to its clients tailored investments to fulfil any request with a broad range of solutions for traditional and innovative Portfolios, composed by most common Asset Classes like Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) up to *Cryptocurrencies’ Funds and Derivatives.
* BlueInvest Capital does not accept deposits and does not offer direct investment solutions in Cryptocurrencies.